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New AHCC version released
After almost 3 years, Henk Robbers released version 6.0 of AHCC on November 27, 2020. As always, he also release binaries specific for Coldfire on his webpage

Besides the bug fixes and improvements (the release notes can be found here), AHCC 6.0 only has binaries produced using AHCC itself (not Pure C), has improvements in the editor and handling of nested projects.

Henk is also looking for a future maintainer for AHCC. Contact him directly (see his website) if interested.


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Ldv :: 2021-03-19 15:02:00

Unfortunately, Henk’s web page is currently offline. AHCC 6 is available at : ftp://kurobox.serveftp.net:3021/programming/ahcc/ahcccf-6.zip

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