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Mailsystem reorganized
We have migrated our complete mailsystem and all communication problems should be a thing of the past.

In the last years it sadly occured on and off, that our mailserver got listed at some few blacklists and our mails thus went into your spamfolders or in some few cases got directly discarded by your mailservers. On the one hand this was due to the atari.org mailadress which was not configured correctly (SPF, which was previously not needed for years). On the other hand there are indeed some competences missing to configure the Linux machine correctly on which the firebee.org mail server was running. The system was adoped from now inactive people and despite great efforts the problems could not be solved.

Additionally atari-home.de cancelled all their mail services (presumably because of the new GDPR) by end of May, and thus our former fallback mailadress is now not available anymore.

Thus we have decided with a heavy heart three weeks ago to migrate the entire mail system to a commercial provider. Sadly we did not succeed in finding a non-commercial bearable solution. Thus our options are now in fact constricted, and also quite expensive, but the communication problems of the past are dispelled. Now no mails should be ignored inside your spam folders anymore!

For establishing contacts please use from now on exclusively:

acpinfo at firebee dot org

If you lately go the feeling that you did not get an answer form us, do not hesitate to contact us again. The answers will now reach you reliably and the handling of the receivable shippings will thus be facilitated a lot.

Our thank goes to atari.org and atari-home.de who bestowed support on us for years free of charge.


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