Chart Library for C Programmers
 The author Peter Lane created a simple chart library for C programs. The library is designed to be included in other programs, simply by copying two files to your C project: chart.h and chart.c.
Three types of chart are supported: ...
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GFABASIC updated
Updated GFABASIC released, highlights are:
GFA-Basic Editor v1.68 Improved assembler file and include file management.
Compiler/Linker r27 Unchanged from previous release.
Library/Interpreter r16 Random crashes at startup fixed. Not working from fast ram fixed. Corrected two bugs in the DIM command.
GFA-Basic Compendium v2.88 Corrected various typos, reworded some pages, and added new information.
This update is particularly important for FireBee owners who use the interpreter. For more precise information see the individual change logs in the documentation.
Lonny Pursell likes to thank Peter Lane for his bug report and detailed FireBee testing. ... ml/gbe.htm
Two tools for writers
In March, two programs were released for writers: BibFind, for working with bibtex-format bibliographies, and Neso, a text to HTML converter.
 Writing is a productive activity that can be done as effectively on the Firebee as any other computer. Peter Lane has created two tools to help support the writing process. The first helps you look through a BibTeX file to obtain ...
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Scheduled Delivery Date of the 2nd Series
End of last week Medusa Computer Systems got the final delivery date ultimately confirmed by the assembling company. The FireBee PCBs of the 2nd series will be supplied to MCS at the 30th of May 2016.
Subsequently the computers will recive a final inspection and testing in Switzerland and will be mounted into the mini-cases and in the order of the preorders piecemeal delivered to you. We will personally come foreward to all preordering persons in about 4 to 8 weeks and ask for the final orders (inkluding a CF-Card, if necessary PSUs, etc.) and will request the payment of the computers. As a matter of course FireBees can furthermore be preordered by you, as we – like as at the first series – sent far more boards into production than there got preordered.
AHCC 5.3
At January the 21st Henk Robbers released a new version of AHCC.
The development environment – now in version 5.3 – offers several changes at the Compiler, Assembler, the Shell, the Editor as the Library ahccstdf. As always AHCC produces binaries optimized for ColdFire CPUs, that run as well at 68020, 030, 040 and 060 CPUs using just that instructions available at every processor. Get the new version at Henks website.
New Boards ordered
Medusa Computer Systems has started the order transaction for the new series of FireBee boards.
The computers will be built, as already the former products by MCS, at a swiss assembling company. At present we are waiting for a definitiely day of delivery.
The new FireBee computers can be ordered furthermore. Who likes to pay by two instalments can presently still make a deposit, until the completion of the new series. All those who preordered will be contacted by us in time, before the delivery and asking for (final) payment, for ordering possible additional requests like PSUs, CF cards, mini cases right away.
We wish the entire community happy holidays, and will keep you up to date in the new year.
Linear Classic icons set for Teradesk
The Linear Classic is a new 48pts RSC icons set for the Teradesk desktop. This set is a member of the Linear icons family but, while it adopts most of the pictograms from the Linear Blue set, it has different basic shapes for files, folders and programs, to improve users' interaction.
The Linear Classic set is composed by 206 icons drawn in 256, 16 and 2 colors, in the usual RSC(AES-4) format. A configuration file (teradesk.inf), optimised for the Official FireBee setup, is also included. If you already have a well customised Teradesk desktop with the Linear Blue 48pts set vers. 1.2 to 1.4b (The Linear Blue set was recently updated and is available in the support/look&feel section of, you are only required to replace the cicons.rsc file as the teradesk.inf configuration files are upward compatible. To help users customise ther working spaces, several unassigned folder icons (folder1-folder7) were also included.
Full preview
Linear Classic 48pts (.zip 230kB)
New games by Orionsoft
The indy developer of the well-known Myst-like adventures Elansar and Philia is once again owner of a FireBee - and he has updated both adventures.
The update improves video quality in the intro for Elansar and performance of the game. Its sequel Philia - which was previously a Falcon-only game - is now compatible with the FireBee. Both games can be played in fullscreen or in a GEM window, are multitasking friendly and feature colourful 16 bit graphics. Besides the FireBee, other high-end Atari-compatible benefit from the update too, such as the CT60 or systems with graphic cards.
Both games can be ordered online for at least 5 Euro.
Just after this news was allready written, Orion released another game for the FireBee computer. This time it is a puzzle / platformer game in the pure style of old school pixel art, called Alice's Mom's Rescue. ...
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"Struggle for Printing"
New EmuTOS, new FPGA configuration, new MiNT device driver, parallel port has been fixed, printing is working as of now
Up until now, printing with a FireBee was only possible through a network and PHERP. But for a few months now, the team has been hard at work to get the parallel port working as well, in order to support, first and foremost, local printing.
With a new FPGA version, a new EmuTOS and an xdd (device driver) for FreeMiNT, printing with the parallel port is now also possible on the FireBee with EmuTOS and FreeMiNT - as long as it's running over EmuTOS. The parallel port is now working flawlessly.
What you will need:
• The new FPGA version created by Medusa • The newest EmuTOS 0.9.5 , which was released on October 25th, 2015
These two ...
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PIC Development Revived
Today we are happy to report about a developer's new arrival at the ACP: Patrick Kohl volunteered to take care about the PIC microcontroller that's part of the FireBee.
He brings expert experience from his daytime job and can build upon the FireBee's code foundation layed by Alan Hourihane, Lyndon Amsdon and Fredi Aschwanden. Patrick will start to implement the PS/2 protocol making a third working interface for HID devices available to the FireBee. After a first analysis of what is available already as well as first practice tests with a development board, he's expecting substantial results by the end of this year. Once this is finished, he's already planning further projects like game port, RTC improvements or a flash tool.
Latest News
The FireBee FreeMiNT Setup 2022
This year we are back with a strong sign of life. Now that the website is up and ...
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EmuTOS 1.2 and 1.2.1
On August 07th 2022 EmuTOS Development Team published new version 1.2 of free and ...
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EmuTOS 1.1.1
On July 08th 2021 EmuTOS Development Team published new version 1.1 of this free ...
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