Mailsystem reorganized
We have migrated our complete mailsystem and all communication problems should be a thing of the past.
In the last years it sadly occured on and off, that our mailserver got listed at some few blacklists and our mails thus went into your spamfolders or in some few cases got directly discarded by your mailservers. On the one hand this was due to the mailadress which was not configured correctly (SPF, which was previously not needed for years). On the other hand there are indeed some competences missing to configure the Linux machine correctly on which the mail server was running. The system was adoped from now inactive people and despite great efforts the problems could not be solved.
Additionally cancelled all their mail services (presumably because of the new GDPR) by end of ...
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Shipping and new Orders
About the situation and availability of the hardware
In recent weeks, we have seen a noticeable increase in pre-order with sometimes unsolicited remittances from "new customers". We would like to clarify again the current situation.
The 2nd series of FireBees is currently sold out. We have been delivering them for some time now (unfortunately very slowly). All new orders are placed on a waiting list. In case of withdrawals during the shipping process, the machines will be assigned according to this list. In addition, binding pre-orders are of interest for a possible further series of FireBees. The more people pre-order the more likely such a series will be produced in the future. An early delivery will not be possible for new customers.
The normal procedure is to ...
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FireBee on GitHub
After some long months with no public access to our Firebee sources, we finally moved everything to GitHub.
Since last summer the situation with Atariforge became more and more unstable. Sadly the AtariForge services seem not to come back in time anymore. Nevertheless we like to thank Rob Mahlert for the years of support he gave for free to the community. Now everything we got is collected and online again at GitHub. Special thanks goes to Miro KropáÄek and David Gálvez who cared about that non-acceptable situation, and uploaded everything to the new repository at GitHub that Markus Fröschle created some months ago. Gladly Mikro had a full AtariForge backup for us, and also every new developments from 2017 are online now. Including several new FPGA and BaS developments which binaries we will publish in the upcoming weeks and ...
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Linear Classic icon set for Teradesk updated
The new version 1.54 represents a major upgrade of the of the 48p. Linear Classic icon set for Teradesk.
 A total of 364 icons are now available with 121 new or updated icons (81 folders, 24 programs, 12 files and 4 devices). New/Updated icons preview
The Linear Classic set shares most of the pictograms with the ...
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FB-Basic icon set 1.54 update
Just after the FB-Basic 1.50 major release, a minor upgrade for the FB-Basic icon set for Teradesk is arrived.
This "quick fix" release solves a few issues: some icons not included in 1.50 were added, the default HD was renamed to "hard disc" to comply with Teradesk’s naming rules and 2 duplicate icons were deleted. To keep compatibility with old teradesk.inf configuration files, a new experimental "harddisk" icon was added to the set. Finally, the teradesk.inf file was updated to reflect changes in the cicons.rsc file.
Download: FB-Basic-154 (.zip 424kB)
FB-Basic icon set for Teradesk updated
One year after the initial release, the FB-Basic icon set for Teradesk receives a major update.
 With the new 1.5 version, the total number of icons is up to 360, with more than 100 new entries.
New/Updated icons preview
All the icons are available in 48p. with 256, 16 and 2 ...
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| Server Problems
Sadly the project is facing bigger server issues at the moment. Since last Thursday the domain is not accessible and our mailboxes are not reachable.
Today it turned out that this is a serious problem, that might take another week or two to get solved. Our admins are working at the problem.
We like to assure you that the ACP is still active, and that we try to get back completely online as soon as possible. In the meantime you can access by the IP adress and reach us by our fallback mailadress acpinfo (at) atari-home (dot) de
GFA Basic v3.7 beta
GFA Basic v3.7 has reached beta testing stage and is available also for the FireBee. New features include: - Added all missing AES calls up to AES v4.1, plus some N.AES calls. - Added the most commonly used Bios, Xbios, Gemdos, VDI, and NVDI calls. - Some new general purpose commands not related to the operating system. - Just over 256 new commands.
It’s now possible to write medium to large application without having to write bindings. The beta is available at the newly reworked website. Follow the download link at
MyAES 0.97 and patches
On the 30th of July 2017, Olivier Landemarre distributed MyAES 0.97.
It took almost three years, way more than initially planned, for Oliver to release the new version of MyAES. The MyAES kernel went trought an extensive review process: new features were added and various parts of the code were significantly reworked to improve the overall performance and compatibility. Just to name a few improvements: - the multitasking management was revised; - a new management of the windows/desktop redraws and a a new program configuration manager were added; - a new video memory manager and AES call; - The Yopla task manager and the MDesk desktop (although still at info level) were also improved; - the background image is automatically resized. But the full list of improvements and fixes is way longer. ...
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EmuTOS-2017 news
Versions 0.9.8 / 0.9.9 / and Travis CI integration.
Dec 15th, the following bug in the version 0.9.9 was found: When deleting desktop icons, it could ask you to delete a bunch of files, fortunately after confirmation dialog. As this could cause data loss, there was the release of the hotfix. Please update now if you are alredy using 0.9.9 :
On December 11th EmuTOS Development Team released version 0.9.9 of free Atari-compatible OS.
Major changes: • AES: Allow mouse cursors to be loaded at boot time • EmuDesk: Add 'Desktop configuration' dialog • EmuDesk: Allow configuration of window/desktop backgrounds • EmuDesk: Allow desktop window file mask to be specified • EmuDesk: Omit unused desktop menu items • EmuDesk: Open new window with Alt+doubleclick on folder • ...
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