Up-to-date information about the ACP project Q1/2019
It's the right time again to give you some information about the state of things in ACP. Last year we neglected the flow of information a little, and some of you got the impression that nothing was happening anymore with the FireBee.

But the opposite is true, so we want to give you an update about the things that are currently being worked on.

• Delivery of the 2nd series
We are still busy to deliver the computers of the 2nd series. With all the things that went wrong with this batch (power transformer issue, case production - the final cases were delivered to us this January etc.) the resulting huge delay also caused an incredible mess. Some pre-orderers believed they wouldn't get a device anymore; others we had to chase down with multiple mails, posts or on other channels because their personal data had changed. At any rate, the efforts are huge. We are doing the best we can though to process everything in order. And all the people who had pre-ordered for the 2nd series will be guaranteed to get a computer! You can also always contact us about your delivery.

Once we have exhausted all contact options with all pre-orderers, and some still didn't give feedback, we will start another call here on the homepage before possibly selling any remaining computers to other buyers on the waiting list. But that will not happen before summer 2019.

• As usual, a lot is happening in the area of "Look and Feel". Design is being continued in Rome and some releases can be expected this year.

• For several months now, a lot of work is happening in the background to put together a new, up-to-date official FreeMiNT setup. Lars has joined the team again, and FreeMiNT for FireTOS is being improved from all sides, extensively tested, and a fine collection of current applications are added to the setup.

• There are new versions of all components in the ROM. Medusa has a new base system (BaS), a new FPGA configuration with very important improvements and a new FireTOS. The really important improvements will be presented to you bit by bit in the coming weeks. The boards that are being delivered right now already contain these new parts!

• Some work is also happening with the homepage and documentation. In this context, we would like to point you to the new sub-page "Motherboard Connectors and Components" ; the energy required for these information processing tasks is not to be underestimated.

• It is also always worthwile to visit all the external projects that have some relation to FireBee, but are independent software. For example, the newest FreeMiNT & XaAES, version 1.19.36c, was released on March 30th 2019. Miro Kropacek has released version 7.4.0 (original from December 6th) of the GCC compiler for MiNT, and also specifically for the ColdFire CPU of the FireBee, on the 1st of March.

There are also new versions of Teradesk, AHCC, GFA-Basic, Netsurf-Webbrowser and many more. The Litchi-FTP-client and KK-commander received new releases in Februars 2019.

• Another new series?
We get requests about another new batch of FireBee computers all the time. Right now we can't promise anything. Of course we will try to persuade Medusa to produce another series of FireBees, subsequently to the recent shipping. To that end, we have been collecting serious (!) pre-orders since summer 2018. So if you want to buy a FireBee in the future, you should order it now. This will help us tremendously with planning and implementation. But a new series will not be released before 2020!


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Luposian :: 2020-03-11 06:34:07

What is the latest news concerning the Firebee? Are systems available for purchase? How much? How quickly can they be delivered to the USA?
Ken :: 2020-03-20 13:53:17

I’m interested also, but there is no pricing information.
Vido :: 2020-03-26 13:40:56

I believe there is no available FireBee for purchase. But if there will be enough interest and will, it may be produced a new batch of FireBees.But this will take time. Just express your interest for purchasing the FireBee by email to have your conntacts for further communication regarding new batch of FireBees.
Patrick in the States :: 2021-08-19 22:02:12

I would also like to get in on the next run, so I have a message into Mathias, I think the pre-order link is still up at Medusa.

Antispam robot question: Type sixth and first letter of the word!

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