goes online
For a long time we had wishes that could not be realized with our old web site Many worldwide FireBee contributors came up with many good ideas also.
Among them primarily that we should have a web site that is really usable for multilingual users and have editing by several editors and translators. A further important point is, that the Atari Coldfire Project got too widespread, that the information needs to be structured in kind of a Wiki format. We would like to have space for downloads and have a comprehensive support area. Furthermore we would like to present our products to be quickly accessible and more appealing. We would like a kind of online shop and even to present (external) software. Additionally to present the news in concise format and overall we like to be able to expand with adding new chapters and much more.
Unfortunately it took us longer than expected to get where we wanted to be with before it could go online before now. Although the backend was already coded for a long time, the front end or what the user saw the general lay out was also ready just not all the content was in place until now. About 2 months ago we with the special thanks to the help ofthe now again publishing German print magazine ST-Computer, decided to work with full focus on it, and we were able to complete the current site. We already outlined the future basic structure with our self coded Content Management System. There shall be a larger portion of structured information, recent software, and interaction with the worldwide FireBee users. For example in the support area we have produced the information from the German language newtosworld Wiki, investigated it for accuracy, and added the new developments of the last few years and subsequently translated everything. Now we can offer you the most important recent downloads for the FireBee in the Flash components, Operating Systems and Development Environments. A further world premiere is that we now can offer the complete layout Data for KiCAD which are now Open Source, for download. shall rise. Beside German, English, French, Italian and Spanish, more languages will follow. Especially the support area we will fill continuously with background information and answers to many Frequently Asked Questions. Later in the the download area there will be a database with software that is working on the FireBee in an easy to use format with references to various (external) programs and links.
As always our project is based heavily on user articipation. Those who would like to write articles, or like to highlight a specific capability of the FireBee, or who has extensive background to a particular ability, and those who can translate or proofread, please send in your texts and contact us if you would like to contribute.
We are especially proud about the fact that the site was programmed so that it works on all Atari web browsers. Optimizations for the rendering with Highwire, CAB or Netsurf as well as being constantly improved.
Special Thanks to the about 10 people who invested a lot of time the last couple of weeks. Especially the translators and proofreaders which was difficult at times. Especially to all for contributing with this initial launch of the new site. With the launching of this new site with extensively more information on the FireBee we will also be informing you on how to preorder the 2nd FireBee series in the coming days. We hope that this new site is more informative and easier to navigate for improved communications with you, the user.
 | Lee Henderson :: 2015-08-15 17:58:49
The new site looks great! Looking forward to seeing what’s next for the new website and Firebee.
 | Vido :: 2015-08-15 20:05:56
Thank you! For sure we will try to improve the site to look correct on Atari browsers. Content depends also on Atari community. If someone has any news/experience connected also with the FireBee, just send/share it to us! Anyway there will be new content :)
 | Rike :: 2015-08-15 22:01:22
 | Rajah :: 2015-08-15 22:56:43
Great work. Congratulations to the ACP Team!
 | wongck :: 2015-08-16 02:48:16
Great work. Hope to see more great software and hardware here.
 | JoeIron :: 2015-08-17 15:21:59
Looks really neat! Congratulations! Do you plan a place here, where the users can register themselves?
 | Vido :: 2015-08-17 15:26:35
Thanks Joe and others! Joe, what would you like to register for?
 | Mathias :: 2015-08-17 15:31:09
In fact we are proud to have a interactive website online without the need to register, type passwords and more! Only benefit I could see with registering is to grab a nickname.
 | AdamK :: 2015-08-21 13:38:15
How about adding more RAM in new FireBee run? There is no better CPU available, but I belive more RAM could be put in for the same prices as for the first run.
 | Vido :: 2015-08-21 23:32:43
There are better CPU-s. Its just how to get them or how to get documentation for them? Faster Coldfire CPU-s do exists! 512 MB is plenty of RAM for Atari computers. I would need more RAM just for one game (OpenTTD) but it runs even with less.
 | AdamK :: 2015-08-24 08:29:15
And/or maybe it would be possible to update Videl core to SuperVidel?
 | Vido :: 2015-08-24 08:40:10
I am sure it would be possible but you have to ask Nature guys about that. We had no success so far :(
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