Power supply unit:
The FireBee needs a PSU delivering 12V to 24V direct current voltage and 3A electric current. The plus terminal is on the inside, and the minus terminal on the outside of the plug which has to have a major diameter of 5.0 or 5.5 millimeters.
The FireBee power connector is protected against reverse polarity with a heavy duty diode type MBRD835. When trying to use a PSU with improper polarity nothing should pass.
Not enough power will probably lead to instability and flickering on the DVI-out. In reverse, higher voltages might rectify the outcome when running into trouble regarding the DVI-out signal.
Medusa offers a Mean Well GS40 AC/DC PSU rated at 40 watts at the cost of 38,- euros, including a power plug fitting for the country the FireBee is shipped to, or customer-specified needs.
Datasheet Mean Well power supply (PDF)
To most people it may work out better to use an existing PSU or to buy a cheaper one locally. Any PSU meeting the above-mentioned specifications will do. |
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