Preorder of a FireBee computer
The 2nd series of FireBees is currently sold out. All new orders are placed on a waiting list. In case of withdrawals during the recent shipping process, the machines will be assigned according to this list. In addition, binding pre-orders are of high interest for a possible further series of FireBees. The more people pre-order the more likely such a series will be produced in the future. An early delivery will not be possible for new customers recently.
If you like to preorder a new FireBee board please send us an email to acpinfo at firebee dot org.
Please write exaclty what possible additional orders for Mini-Cases, CompactFlash Cards or other items like seen on the products page. An ACP team member will contact you by email as soon as possible. Your order is an export from Switzerland and will be processed by Medusa Computer Systems. The prices include no VAT, and you will perhaps - acordingly to your country and its laws - be asked about some VAT by your authorities and post offices when you recive the parcel. Orders from within Switzerland have an other price, including the swiss VAT. |
Najnowsze wiadomości
TeraDesk 4.07
Wydano nowÄ™ wersja programu TeraDesk.
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